City Management Services (CMS)
At Lavasa, clients don't just buy a house in a building but they buy into a unique concept of a quality life with a good sense of community living in a city. The CMS Department is currently divided into five divisions, is headed by a specialized City Manager who takes overall responsibility for the smooth functioning of the city.
Property Management : This department overseas customer services, the Citizen Contact Centre, coordinates real estate handovers and transfers and the enforcement of development regulations.
Public Safety and Security : This department combines law and order services, fire and disaster prevention, suppression and response, traffic control, parking management and emergency communications throughout the city.
Public Works : This department maintains all public spaces like streets, promenades, footpaths, parks, drainage channels and other public realm areas and runs the city’s solid waste management program.
Enterprise Utilities : This department focuses on providing uninterrupted power to the city, high quality drinking water and collects and treats sanitary sewage to standards substantially exceeding government requirements.
Administration and Finance : The financial transactions, internal support services, mapping and data collection of the city are coordinated by this department.